Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

A new year means new goals! One of my goals this year is to pay a little more attention to my blog. Another is to cut through some more clutter and "stuff" in the house and simplify. Always on my list is making my family a priority.

One of the tools I am going to use for this is this fantastic weekly calendar E made for me as a 4-H project.

She took a multi-picture frame that we found on clearance at Hobby Lobby (it was pretty scratched up and missing 1 glass pane). All other materials (paint, paper, cork, and stickers) were things we had in my stash of crafting supplies.

Here is how she completed the project:

1. Remove glass panes from frame. Paint frame.

2. While paint is drying, wash glass. Choose paper to go under glass and cut to fit backing. For the piece that did not have glass, she cut a piece of cork to fit.

3. Add second coat of paint & touch-ups when dry.

4. Replace glass and backings (with paper) into all openings.

5. Add Day of the Week stickers (she found these in my massive stack of scrapbooking supplies).

The glass can be used as a dry erase board and the cork will allow me to hang any notes/papers I need to help me complete the goals (along with birthday invites for the kids or other planning things). I can write down which day I plan on doing what (for example on Tuesday evening, I can organize the bath closet). She didn't use Saturday/Sunday because the hope is that we will be having fun on the weekends rather than working all of the time!

Happy New Year!!

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